Where is the open door?
When one door closes, another door opens…
I think we have all been trained to be able to recite this saying throughout our entire life.
It gives us a sense a reassurance when a door might close and we don’t know what is next.
What happens when a door opens and we aren’t ready for it?
What happens if the door is opening right in front of us but we can’t recognize it?
What happens if the door is open but it’s not what we wanted or expected?
What happens if the door is opening but we can’t release the comfort required to step into it?
What happens if the door is everything we always wanted but we don’t believe we deserve it?
I believe there are a constant stream of doors and openings all around us. The thing keeping us from it is ourselves.
Some of the ways we keep ourselves from accessing these open doors is our:
Limited belief system
Here is the reason why knowing this is SO important:
I have found that some of the MOST impactful doors have had the smallest cracks. They were confusing and made little sense. They looked so much different than I ever expected them to. AND sometimes even showed up in ways I really didn’t want them too.
They usually happen on a timeline I wasn’t expecting. They certainly have not been predictable.
AND here is another catch - they have required a LEAP. A step that only I could make. One that usually created some anxiety, some fear, and a need to act based on a perfect balance of proof & intuition at the same time.
To be able to recognize these doors requires us to be in a state of awareness. It requires us to take ownership, open our eyes, live in possibility, recognize real proof vs false assumptions, know our triggers and fears, understand our emotions, and be willing to fall apart in order to come back together.
When you are feeling stuck or when you are waiting for a door to open, I want you to remember that a door doesn’t always mean easy. It doesn’t always mean it will be clear. It will not always look like an open door until later on.
In the waiting, recognize what thoughts are consuming you. Do you have a perfect picture in your mind that might be fogging up your view to a different door? Are you holding onto something too tightly that is required to see the door clearly?
Get curious with yourself.
You are safe to walk into a door that is unknown. A door that may be wrong before it is right.
Just walk in and let the rest play out.