About Me

ONLY when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we EVER discover the infinite power of our LIGHT.
— Brené Brown

Hi there!

Nice to meet you - I’m Danielle 😊

I am a Mindset Coach who specializes in Conscious Awareness. I help men & women improve their mindset by identifying their emotional barriers. 

I am extremely passionate about normalizing anxiety and stress. My mission is to do this by helping you unravel the why behind it & rebuild your tools to neutralize your system in order to unlock the life you desire.

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How Unravel You was born.

Ever since I can remember, I have always been connected to people's emotions, having an innate empathetic feeling towards anyone who crossed my path. Sounds great,
right? Well, that personality mixed with a severe dose of people pleasing made me loose myself very quickly.

In 2017 my body said no more; it was done. I was experiencing massive misalignment between my conscious and subconscious mind that caused my anxiety to hit an all time high.

I invested in therapy which provided an amazing safe place where I discovered my story mattered and unraveled fears I never knew were driving my life.

But something was missing: community and a practical step by step process to walk through a lasting solution.

That is where Unravel You was born! A place in the middle where you could have a community of people on the same courageous journey as you AND receive practical tools to get you where you want to be!