URU Coaching


To understand your story and yourself so well that no one or thing stands a chance against you & your future.

“Vulnerability is not weakness, it is our most accurate measure of courage” - Brené Brown

  • Unravel You Group Course

    Fully commit to the journey of self discovery and join me and a select intimate group for my Signature 12 week Group Course.

  • Freedom Unleashed

    Fully commit to 12 Week Group Course to discover all the ways your core beliefs and fears are holding you back from experiencing the vision God has called you to live and feel.

  • URU Communtity

    Low commitment. Low pressure.

    This is my Anxiety & Stress Management Community designed to accessibly bring tools & tips to as many individuals as possible.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Custom Coaching Journey just for you.

    • Intentional Goal Setting Program

    • Unravel You Program

    • Create. Implement. Sustain - A routine made just for you.

  • Mom's Empowerment Workshop

    Mom's Empowerment Series

    3 Part Workshop Series

    • Identifying Triggers, Guilt Free Desires, and Communication

    • Feb 17, 24, & March 3

      • 12 pm PST & 3 pm EST

What People Are Saying About my Coaching Style:


“Danielle's coaching style is hands on if you need lots of help and assistance, she will be there for you whether on the phone, during class, or over WhatsApp. She truly wants everyone to succeed and see lasting change in their lives.”

— Anonymous

“I would describe Danielle's coaching style as being uplifting, very friendly and very comfortable. You feel like you are heard and understood. It feels like you are talking with your friend that wants to help you out.”

— Anonymous

Want to start Journaling?


I used to want to start journaling but could never seem to keep up with it. After a few years of trial and error, I found the key! Click below if you want the free toolkit I created.