We are predictable.

Our behaviors are so predictable.

We aren’t that creative in the ways we react and respond in times that we are triggered.

If we look closely, we can actually gift ourselves with preparation for any circumstance that comes our way.

A trigger doesn’t have to always be something big, it can be as simple as a smell or a change of season. We can even be triggered by our own predictable behavior and choose to not try this time around.

A trigger gives us so much information.

BUT I want to focus less on the trigger itself, and more on what that trigger makes you think. What story do you start to live in? What story do you start to formulate out of the trigger?

That is where the gold is.

That is where we can start to combat the trigger and change our actions. This is how we start to become less predictable and step into the people we want to be.

Why aren’t many people making change?

Because they get too caught up on the trigger. They get too caught up in the blaming, the finger pointing, the external situation, the right and wrong, the action they think someone should have / shouldn’t have done, ect. And they can’t take the time to pause and see what thought is causing their heightened sense of emotions around the trigger.

We all do it. I do it, you do it, everyone does.

But doing this becomes a missed opportunity for substantial change.

If you can stop buying into the lie that external situations are the solely thing responsible for causing all your inner turmoil, then you will start to walk into opportunity to gain more control in your life.

I want you to start to predict your behavior. Think about the next week or month. What usually comes up for you in the holiday season? What is predictable about how you react to your mom, how you react to your kids, how you react in your job, how you react to friends, what boundaries fall, how you treat yourself. Think forward. When you think forward. you can start to dissect the why and then plan for the future!

Get ahead of the game! Just like how you plan the events in your life, it’s time to make a plan for your emotional responses and triggers.

Join the URU Community this Wednesday, Oct 13th as we discuss real ways to stop being so repetitive in behavior and reactions this Holiday season! Send an email to dgonzales.uru@gmail.com saying URU Workshop to join!

xxx, Danielle


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