Are you Listening?

How well are your listening skills?

Really though, examine yourself. How well do you listen?

I don’t mean are you good at being quiet while someone else speaks. I don’t mean just giving someone space to vent.

I do mean, are you able to listen without assuming. Are you able to listen without creating meanings that don’t have any proof? Are you able to decipher what is true and what is being filtered through the lens of your core beliefs?

I ask, because this is very hard to do. We aren’t taught how to really listen. And most of us never take the time to learn how to listen.

How do you learn how to listen?

Get extremely familiar with your core beliefs.

If you don’t know your core beliefs, then you won’t be able to recognize the truth that is being spoken and what is an assumption made by your filter.

When I speak about core beliefs, I am not speaking about your conscious values. I am not speaking to the part of you that “knows” how you want to think, or what you want to believe, or how you want to live your life. I am speaking to the part of you that was hard wired at a very early age to believe a certain thing around money, relationships, career, love, fitness, purpose, ect.

Your core beliefs are directly responsible for the life you see in front of you.

AND your core beliefs are the biggest thing keeping you from listening to the people around you.

Understand your core beliefs and transform into an amazing best listener.

When you can really listen without assumptions, you are able to live in so much more peace and possibility. You not only give yourself more opportunity in life and relationships but you also give the people around you a greater opportunity to be heard and seen.

So are you ready to really learn to listen?

If you want any help to learn your core beliefs and transform your life, join one of my coaching programs! Click here for more details.

xxx, Danielle


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