Opposition Is At The Door

When a new door is opening, opposition is usually there to greet you, trying to keep you from entering the door.

You can be so close to taking the leap into the open door and yet get so easily derailed in a blink of an eye.

Why is this?

Is it bad timing? Bad luck? Karma? Coincidence?

The more I have walked on my own awareness journey, the more I have realized it is my own comfort zone that is keeping me safe from walking into the new door.

Even though the opposition standing at the door seems like something I don’t want. Something that might make me feel anxious, upset, stressed, distracted or whatever it might be, it usually is an opportunity for me to stay living in the same story I have lived in my whole life. A story, I consciously do not want to be living in.

Our mind is designed to keep us in stability & balance. Even when that balance is unhealthy and even if it is filled with false truths about who you are.

If we can look closely at the opposition waiting at the doors presented to us, we can start to identify the role the lens we are filtering life through is playing in letting the opposition keep us from walking through the door.

Instead of looking at the person or the event blocking you, I want to encourage you to look at your thoughts. To look closely at what you are allowing to create doubt within you, what you are allowing to cause you to lose hope, release confidence, misplace your worth, and hinder your capabilities.

So often the opposition keeping us from seeing doors fly open, are the lies we are speaking to ourselves. The lies that are keeping us boxed into the the comfort zones we no longer belong in. Comfort zones that are keeping us from experience the fullness of life, relationships, careers, purpose, and a true sense of belonging.

I will share a quick example. Recently, I had a door open up right in front of me, but as I explained opposition was standing right there. And to be honest, what was even more confusing was that the opposition and the door didn’t even on the surface enter the same category. They weren’t even related topics or parts of my life.

But, something I have learned about how my mind limits me, is my fear of not being chosen. Sometimes this reality is such a truth for me that I can’t even recognize or believe it when someone chooses me, for anything. As I was finally being chosen for an opportunity, however, I was starting to feel not chosen in another area of my life. Instead of clinging to the beauty of being chosen in an amazing opportunity, my entire being and body couldn’t help but focus on the truth of being unchosen. To the point where, even though I was still being chosen in both places, I was manifesting proof that I wasn’t.

If I didn’t have the self-awareness to recognize my fear, to recognize the connection between the way my comfort zone was creating opposition, I would not have been able to transfer my focus and heart into the right place. The ease of the door would have been slammed and I honestly wouldn’t have recognized that I was playing a major role.

We are granted so much power when we choose to see the roles our mind and beliefs are playing in our every day life. The ability to see yourself so clearly allows you to face the opposition that will always inevitably be there when we are experiencing breakthrough or opportunity. It is our choice to choose a new ending. It is our choice to recognize the lies we are feeding ourselves to keep us in old patterns or comfort zones and to replace it with truth.

You are stronger and in more control than you think, and that is a beautiful gift you can give yourself.

xxx, Danielle

PS. If you want to dive in deeper to this topic and learn how to meet opposition head on, please join the URU Community where you will be equipped with weekly tools! Join Here!


We are predictable.


Guilt is Paralyzing