Take The Risk or Be Smart?

Have you ever felt so sure about a decision that really didn’t make sense to others?

Something that you intuitively knew you had to do?

Something that would require risk?

What did you do in this moment? Did you do what you knew you wanted to do or did you let it pass and go with the “smart” choice?

Over and over again in our lives we, too often, allow the voices of others and our own ego to halt us from making a decision or going for something we know we are meant to pursue.

We start to talk ourselves out of the deep knowing inside of us.

The more we ignore the deep gut/knowing inside of us, the quieter it gets and the harder it it is to feel or hear.

This is when we start to really lose ourselves to the world in which we live in.

My inner knowing was so far gone.

And even as it started to become clear again, I didn’t trust it because it sounded so foreign to all the proof I had built up around myself and the world.

I was living deeply for others.


A year ago, I made the biggest gut / internal knowing decision I have ever made. The burning sensation inside of me was so strong, I actually could not see any other way than this.

Logic pointed in the opposite direction and so did opinions.

But nothing could stop me from taking the risk.

Why the sudden change of pattern?

Truth is that it wasn’t sudden.

I had been exercising this muscle for over a year. Slowly and step by step testing the waters to get closer to hearing the burning desire louder and louder.

It isn’t something that can be changed over night because this feeling inside will feel scary until it eventually becomes scarier to not follow it. And the only way to get there is to learn how to trust it, trial by trial.

And this was my big moment to jump into the biggest one yet, knowing all the trails beforehand had implemented trust in me. Trust between my heart and my mind.

I am celebrating 1 year later, for moving out of my New York apartment, putting my stuff in storage and not moving back to CA. My heart knew I was supposed to stay on the East Coast. I knew it wasn’t time to go.

I had no job, I had no place to live, I had just hired a business coach, and I was a couple months away from launching a business.

There was absolutely no logic reason that pointed to not moving back home.

But instead I made my way to Rhode Island for a month & around the east coast hoping from place to place, creating my business from the road.

I am happy to say I never moved back to CA and have been in my new apartment since end of November last year.

It was greatest but scariest decision I have ever made.

Not everyone is going to understand what you are doing, but that is okay. What matters is that you understand it and you are willing to risk it all to get what you know you are meant to have.

I hope you find the courage to start to honor your intuition. Start to find your way back to hearing your internal heart speak to you and lead you in a direction that is away from the ego that is keeping you safely boxed into the life that wasn’t meant for you.

xxx Danielle


Guilt is Paralyzing


Comparison is a Thief