How you doing?….But really…

When’s the last time you answered the question  “how are you?” honestly?

Do you find yourself saying “I’m fine” or “I’m good” more often than not?

 When you are really feeling:

  • Anxious

  • Scared

  • Overwhelmed

  • Sad

  • Angry

  • Tired


Do you find yourself saying things like “ my life is not good like usual” or “I am pissed” … more often than not? When you are actually feeling:

  • Happy

  • Grateful

  • Excited

  • Joyful

Either way - we often don’t speak what we are actually feeling and we instead show up as how we “think” the other person wants us to.

But this: 

  1. Causes you to learn the trust of your inner self and your subconscious mind

  2. Allows you to get too comfortable with telling yourself a false story

  3. Reduces positives emotions and magnifies negative ones

  4. Denies the person on the other side an opportunity to be real too

 You DON’T need be happy just because someone else is and you worry you will the bring the mood down. And you DON’T have to be stressed just because your friend, coworker, ect is.

This week I encourage you to:

  1. Look inside and think how you feel

  2. Truthfully admit what you are feeling when someone asks - even if it’s just 1 or 2 more people than you usually do

You never know - the other person may be relieved you admitted that you had a bad or good week too. You could be opening up a door for someone else ✨


I Don’t Need To…


Your Emotions Are Valid