Your Emotions Are Valid

The emotion you are feeling right now in this moment is valid. I want you to really let that sink in. 

✖️ No matter the size of the experience or situation that got you to this emotion. 

✖️ No matter if you think someone else has it harder 

✖️ No matter if you are right or wrong. 

✖️ No matter if you know the cause. 

✖️ No matter if it seems rational or irrational. 

In this moment I want you to truly understand it matters and it is OKAY you feel that way. 

✖️ This is not me telling you to blame anyone or to blame yourself

✖️ This is not me telling you to react out of this emotion. 

✨ This is simply me telling you to give yourself compassion for the emotion you feel. 

Because the absolute TRUTH no matter the facts of the exact situation you are in;  when you step back, there is always a belief, thought, or experience  from your past that is making this moment feel anxious, sad, angry, stressed, frustrated, happy, joyful, overwhelmed, ect. 

 And that ALONE makes what you’re feeling right now 100% valid to feel.

We must recognize the emotion and feel it with zero judgment. From this space we can start to learn how to walk to new endings.

I want to help you uncover the truth behind these emotions.

But right now I want you to just FEEL. And know it is 1000% okay & that there is a valid reason behind it. You may just not know what it is yet.


How you doing?….But really…