Gratitude Flow
Thanksgiving week is a time people are trained to pause to remember what they are grateful for.
Some activities you might do this week are:
Take the time to write what you are grateful for down
Maybe your family goes around the table and shares what they are grateful for
You might text friends and family
Maybe you post about it on social media
These are all great expressions to partake in, but what I want to challenge you to understand is that learning how to live in flow of gratitude, allows you to access peace quicker in your day to day.
Gratitude is not just a "nice to do."
Gratitude is a tool that has an immense power to stabilize you in times of sorrow or hardship.
It allows your entire perspective to change about the world and the people in it.
As you reflect this week on what you are grateful for you, I want you to not leave that practice here. I want you to be equipped to take it forward in every week of your life.
How do you do that?
Build a gratitude muscle.
Just like any other muscle, you will need to have consistent practice, even on the days you don't feel like exercising.
Here are 3 ideas you can implement to start your exercising your gratitude muscle:
Start journaling.
Each night take the time to write 3 things you are grateful for that day. YES, I said that day specifically. The more specific and granular you can get the more useful for your gratitude journey. If you want access to my Gratitude Kit for FREE - Click Here!.
Keep a gratitude list on your phone. When you encounter an experience something you are grateful for (big or small), write it down in the moment.
Read the list 3 times a week so that you can start to remember all the good happening around you
NOTE: small is really just as useful. I used to write down making the subway on time - for New Yorkers you know how good it feels when you transfer right on time.
Make a point to express gratitude to someone 5 days a week.
This can be a coworker, a family member, a friend, significant other, stranger you encounter, ect.
NOTE: The more you can mix up the types of people the more impactful for you long term. Also, doing this exercise when you are frustrated or upset is extremely helpful for you gratitude muscle.
These are just a few ideas to start to gaining some getting the flow of gratitude stronger in your life.
Let me know how it goes - I would love to hear about it at
xxx Danielle