Saturday, August 21st 5:00 - 7:00 pm

No more of that small talk that I know you dread.
Get right to the big talk.


Hey you, yes YOU.

Ever crave more intentional conversation when you go out?

WELL…here is your chance!

I want to invite you to join this NYC pop up event: Cocktails & Conversation happening on August 21st in the East Village.

RSVP by filling out the form in the link below and Venmo $48.00 to @Danielle-Gonzales-4 to secure your spot!

Beer, wine, other beverages, appetizers and all the good vibes will be provided.

Sign yourself up for a night you won’t regret. Who knows, you may even meet your future best friend.

I am so excited to see YOU there.

Meet your Hosts

  • Danielle

    Danielle is a mindset coach who specializes in conscious awareness and is the founder of Unravel You. She helps men and women improve their mindset by identifying their emotional barriers, and she is extremely passionate about normalizing anxiety and stress.

  • Alexa

    Alexa is a mindset coach on a mission to help overwhelmed corporate workers stop living for the weekends. She is the founder of LMTLSS where she empowers women with the tools to create a life they wake up on Monday mornings actually excited about. No more snoozing that alarm!